31 January 2018 - Brain Training
New Year, new you. How many times have you heard that? You've done the diets, hit the gym and promised other resolutions. A few weeks later you're back on the cake, firmly sat on the sofa and inhaling box sets. But maybe its time to be the better person and make some changes to your being that could end up with you having a positive career boost. Focus on your brain and train it to be stronger. Be in control of your consciousness and the changes you choose to make. The science of Neuroplasticity suggests that just making small tweaks in our day to day life could have long lasting positive effects. Its also about accepting that some traditional statements really are myths. Let me give an example; they say that women are good at multi-tasking. Its just not true but the alternative of task switching is a skill that can be enhanced. Task switching is only truly affective when you have the ability to complete small tasks at a time and as soon as they are completed you move...