22 September 2020 - What makes a good leader?
Let's face it, we are currently witnessing many leadership traits that aren't meeting the mark of what we would describe as a good leader. If you take the political arena as one example then you will have a smorgasbord of poor standards to select from. Here's just a few words to describe some of the traits we are seeing from, can you believe, voted in leaders. It doesn't bode well and it makes you wonder on who you should look to when trying to shape you own skill base to be a good leader. You could suggest to look at some of these political leaders and choose to act in the exact opposite way as a basic guidance. There are, fortunately some leaders in our world who are demonstrating strong leadership traits and seem to be steering their countries through this current crisis with better success rates. Take for instance, Jacinda Ardern, the New Zealand Prime Minister. Her skills are based in good communication and expressing empathy with her people. Throughout this cris...