
Showing posts from February, 2021

19 February 2021 - Volunteering During Covid Times

I had some time on my hands during lockdown and so last year when I saw that my local Borough was looking for volunteers I decided to sign up. In the early days of Covid I was nervous about volunteering in scenarios where I could be exposing myself to possible Covid risk situations. In addition, the term PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) was new to the general public and supplies of it were in strained quantities. I took 'safer' volunteering jobs, one such being to deliver sports kits to families around the Borough. Well, I do have a sports car after all. It seemed a fitting delivery vehicle for the task. Over time, as a nation, our daily lives have been governed by Covid rules. It is now practise to wear masks in public enclosed spaces such as Supermarkets. We use Antibac as we enter shops. We are mindful to keep distance from each other. Hands - Space - Face.  In December, vaccines were released to combat the virus.  Already their impacts are starting to give us a vision o...