8. Cancer Diaries - RAID log
In the world of project management there is a RAID log to keep track of the items that are associated to the project and deemed to be listed as Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies. No project is risk free, that's kind of the point of a project in the first place; you are moving from one state (often a secure, fluffy, happy place) to a new scenario and not everything can be envisaged on how it will land. It's the same with treatment and so I am going to dedicate this chapter, entitled the RAID log to the effects of chemo. Let's start with Risks . Chemo is a rather brutal tool to stun and shrink the cancer that has been found but also, and possibly more importantly, to stop any cancers in the body that tests haven't identified from setting up home. Chemo does this by targeting and killing the quickly dividing cells in the body. Unfortunately, chemo isn't that sophisticated to know which of these cells you'd like to keep and which to kill so that means it ...