16 February 2017 - Hostess with the mostess

Tonight we hosted LAUG at my gaff, Tes Global. It takes some organising to put together a monthly show. You need content, decent speakers with the ability to hold a room and have the knowledge to answer the questions our audience will have. Once thats sorted then come the logistics, sponsor, venue and some items to put into gobs. 

When I host I like to ensure we have plenty of food and drink for our audience. Our meet ups aren't just an opportunity to learn. Its social. People make friends and they relish the chance to catch up with people on a monthly basis and be able to just talk about life stuff. We recognise this and plan social time into our agendas. It also means that when I host, the evening can finish quite late as the wine flows along with the conversation. It can be midnight by the time I get home. Wouldn't change a thing. 


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