28 February 2018 - I F**king Rock!
Last night I braced the 'beast of the east' snowy weather and attended a Harpers Bazaar at Work event. This was the second one I have gone to and I have to say I am impressed. The format is very appealing; they are held in swanky hotels and you are greeted with champagne and canapes in readiness for the keynote speaker. I got talking with a couple of ladies (note, these events have a predominately female attendance although last night I did spot one man who was either lost or dragged along, but I'm sure men would, and are, very welcome to join). Anyway, these ladies were keen to learn from the speaker any tips on how to tackle younger men who were making them feel inferior and thus, impacting on their confidence to do their job. Its an all too common situation and as women we need to stand firm, grab the problem by the balls (I'll just let you ponder over that) and show the world our capabilities. Last night's talk by the very brilliant Eve Poole helped to giv...