28 February 2018 - I F**king Rock!

Last night I braced the 'beast of the east' snowy weather and attended a Harpers Bazaar at Work event. This was the second one I have gone to and I have to say I am impressed. The format is very appealing; they are held in swanky hotels and you are greeted with champagne and canapes in readiness for the keynote speaker. 

I got talking with a couple of ladies (note, these events have a predominately female attendance although last night I did spot one man who was either lost or dragged along, but I'm sure men would, and are, very welcome to join). Anyway, these ladies were keen to learn from the speaker any tips on how to tackle younger men who were making them feel inferior and thus, impacting on their confidence to do their job. Its an all too common situation and as women we need to stand firm, grab the problem by the balls (I'll just let you ponder over that) and show the world our capabilities. 

Last night's talk by the very brilliant Eve Poole helped to give top tips on how to armour yourself and appear more powerful as a woman in business with her Power Refresh Workshop. In addition to the champagne and small morsels to scoff we were also given a goody bag of items. What we learnt was each item had a reference to Eve's talk. I'm going to share some with you now. 

The first item was a notebook. We were asked to take it out, open it up and start writing. Eve wanted us to note a time when we felt powerful. She wanted us to write about the situation, what were we doing, what were we wearing and how we felt. The example I wrote was my presentation at London's Calling. I was wearing a red patterned dress with red kitten heel boots and I felt good in my outfit. I had prepared my talk and felt comfortable with the subject. People wanted to hear what I had to say, listened, laughed in the right places and asked questions at the end. It was a positive experience. 
Eve said that whenever we feel weak at the knees, and not in a good way, to think back to this reference point and remember that we can achieve great things and feel powerful. This is considered as Power Priming and will help you to walk, talk and think more assertively. 

Next came the Body Wash. You maybe starting to wonder what we were asked to do with this, well I can safely say the rest of the items were used as symbols and we weren't asked to try them all out (unlike Mel Gibson in his film, What Women Want). The Body Wash was to reference the Power Shower and a Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy - Your body language may shape who you are:

Amy talks about power posing and doing a power pose while in the shower in the morning can help to set you up for the day in an assertive way. The way that you hold your body can help to change your mind, our minds change our behaviour and our behaviour changes our outcomes. While you may think this is easy to say in reality you may not feel that way inside so Amy adds, in the meantime you have to fake it till you make it because eventually you will become it. 

Tomorrow, I'm getting in the shower, grabbing the Body Wash, striking a pose and shouting "I fucking rock". That should scare the neighbours. 

You'll see from the picture that there are more goody bag items and I plan to talk more about them in coming blogs. As for the fellow ladies I spoke with last night, they seemed to feel encouraged with the top tips that were shared by Eve and prepared to show those boys at their respective workplaces just what they got. I wonder if they started their day with a power pose in the shower?


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