
Showing posts from November, 2018

26 November 2018 - I belong to a club, but do I really belong?

I’m a member of a secret club. No really. I can’t tell you about it. But I want to talk to you about it. I need to get this off my chest. I attended the AGM over the weekend. We gathered in a pile in the country. The pre-meeting refreshments were presented in a very lovely room while the AGM itself was held in the next room, the library. All very grand indeed. The pomp of the surroundings really did make a gesture to the next 2 hours. Tradition. Old fashioned. Dated. Boring. Frustrating. Infuriating. Remember when you were a kid and had a grown up sit with you and tell you a story? They would read to you. If they were good story tellers then they would bring the characters to life. The tone in their voice would change, you could imagine each one playing out in front of you. If they weren’t such a lively reader then maybe you would look at the pictures in the book or read along too. No such luck for me. Imagine 2 hours of your life as members of a C...