18. Cancer Diaries - Crisis Management
In projects, sometimes things blow up and go past a safe level of mitigation and escalates into crisis management. What that exactly is will always depend on each project and the propensity of risk that the sponsors are willing to take. In terms of story telling, and especially the Ted Talk: Hero Journey by Matthew Winkler, (thanks Francis Pindar for sharing), then a crisis point will hit the Hero. This is the lowest part of their story, something they must overcome before they can rebuild and come back out fighting in order to win the day. Why I am bothering to tell you this? Well, this is where I am at, and how I am feeling right now. I'll explain. Last Friday I had to go back into hospital for more surgery. Active cancer cells were found in one of the lymph nodes that were removed from the previous procedure and medical protocol stated that a full clearance of lymph nodes was needed to be done to stop any future spread. The positive spin from all t...