28 June 2017 - TrailheaDX fan club

TrailheaDX conference rolled up and Salesforce Tower hosted the London party for the launch. We dutifully attended as they're ain't no party without some LAUGers in toe. Our remit was to make as much noise as possible at the right time while wearing plentiful Trailhead gear, waving flags and bunting, all the while trying not to spill your glass. It took skills. 

In fact, it really was hard work. As the British, its not in our nature to be all enthusiastic and to keep up this effort for minutes. You try shouting and screaming for that long - its draining. 

As you can see we did manage it and made our award winning party performance for the cameras as Parker waved back at us. After our 30 seconds of fame we then relaxed into the conference vibe with a little less yelling and more socialising. 

And then it got messy. It just happened to be a special someone's 30th birthday and we started his celebrations off early, before he had to jump on a flight back home to continue. Off to the Alchemist bar for many lotions and potions. I'm hoping a certain Alex Pisani was feeling better than I was the next day. 


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